Why You Need a Professional School Pick-up and Drop-off Service

Do you need student transportation services for your child or children? Are you a busy parent looking for a safe and convenient way to transport your child to and from school? Private school pick up and drop off services are the perfect solution to ensure your child can get to school safely, without the risks associated with public transport and other forms of commuting. Our professional drivers are the experts in child transportation to offer Read more…

Chauffeur driving a car

The Benefits of Using a Chauffeur

Are you wondering about the benefits of using a chauffeur? Not sure whether to opt for a corporate transfer over a taxi or Uber? When driving in the city, there’s always a level of uncertainty about your trip. Will there be a traffic jam along the way? Will certain roads be closed off, meaning you’ll have to take a roundabout detour? What if you hit every single red light along the way? When you choose Read more…

Reopening Travel for Pacific Bubble and Booking Chauffeurs for Transfers

Have you been craving travel during the COVID-19 restrictions? Well, it may be possible to travel internationally again shortly. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morison and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern recently made a joint statement announcing their intention to introduce a trans-Tasman COVID-safe travel zone as soon as it is safe to do so. This means that, within the foreseeable future, travel between Australia and New Zealand will be possible. “A trans-Tasman COVID-safe travel Read more…

Free Chauffeur Services for Seniors on 1 April and 2 April 2020

Drive Me 2 is set to offer free services on Wednesday 1 April and Thursday 2 April 2020 to all seniors. According to Drive Me 2’s Owner, Peter Papas, the company wanted to give back to the community, and help those most at risk during the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation. “Drive Me 2 is offering free trips for seniors all day, on Wednesday 1 April and Thursday 2 April, in the Brisbane CBD and Gold Read more…

COVID-19 – Drive Me 2’s Commitment to Health and Safety

At Drive Me 2, our clients’ health and safety is, and always has been, our number one priority. As the coronavirus – or COVID-19 – situation continues to develop, our commitment to health and safety is more relevant than ever. We understand that, for many people, this is an unsettling and uncertain time. That is why, at Drive Me 2, we are going to extra lengths and taking extra precautions in order to provide our Read more…

How hiring a lavish car is useful in the corporate world?

The fact that cars are used as a vital mode of transportation is known to all. Cars with highly advanced features and speed oriented are loved by the people. Fancy cars are super comfortable, fast and something you would love has a ride on. The dream of riding a grand car is fulfilled by car hiring services as they provide you superb car for all the occasions. No matter what the purpose or the occasion Read more…

How do airport limo transfers guarantee an opulent trip?

If you are one of those people who have to travel frequently due to business and meetings, then airport journeys are some casual kind of transfers for you. But if choosing the right kind of transportation service is what causes you major trouble then limo is what you should keep as your priority vehicle. Since these are affordable in price and high in terms of quality and service, choosing it for all your travel needs Read more…

Traveling tips for an enjoyable limo ride!

Limousine travel tips Planning a leisure trip to unwind yourself is something of paramount importance as it does not only induce freshness in your body but also gives your mind a break from the hectic schedule. Spending some time away from home with your closest of friends should be on your cards whenever you feel the need to bring a change in your life and also connect with your buddies. Since this tour needs to Read more…